
Our blog spotlights everything from community events and interior to sustainability and Dutch culture.

Cycling in the Netherlands: Dos and don'ts

Simple, eco-friendly, and it makes you feel good: cycling! But what are the must-known dos and don’ts when cycling in the Netherlands?

How to fix a flat bike tire

With this step-by-step guide, you’ll have a flat bike tire fixed by yourself in no time.

Cycling the Dutch way: Priority rules, fines, and signs

Let's break down the cycling rules in the Netherlands and the fines if you don't follow these rules.

Our favorite Dutch sayings and how to use them

Like any other language, the Dutch language has many sayings. We share some of our favorite ones, their literal translation to English, and their meaning.

How to fix your tilt and turn window

Do you have trouble with your tilt-and-turn window? We provide you with some assistance.

How to celebrate King's Day in the Netherlands

King's Day is around the corner! In 2025, the Netherlands will turn orange on April 26. But what is being celebrated? And why is everyone dressed up in orange? Discover everything about this festive day in this guide.

Moving to the Netherlands: Everything you need to do before moving

Are you moving to the Netherlands? Before you settle down here, you must check and arrange some things. Let’s break down the most important things to make it a bit easier for you.

Why Hang decided to study in the Netherlands

Check out why Hang chose the Netherlands as destination for her study abroad!

How the Dutch celebrate their holidays in 2025

Discover all Dutch holidays that will be celebrated in 2025.

Foreign driving license in the Netherlands

Are you living in the Netherlands and do you still have a foreign driving license? After some time, you need to exchange it for a Dutch driving license.