How to tackle small pests

When little creatures find their way into your home, it's time to tackle them. Let's give you some practical tips to prevent pest issues.

Living in a comfortable and pest-free environment is essential to enjoying your home to the fullest. However, as seasons change, pesky little creatures can find their way into our living spaces, causing annoyance and discomfort. Let’s tackle small pests with some practical tips.

Prevention is key

The best way to deal with pests is to prevent them from infesting your home in the first place. By adopting good hygiene practices, you create a more comfortable environment for yourself and your neighbors. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

  • Keep your living space clean and tidy
    Regularly clean up spills, crumbs, and food residue, as these attract pests.

  • Store food properly
    Use airtight containers to store food items and avoid leaving fruits or vegetables out in the open.

  • Seal cracks and gaps
    Inspect your home for any cracks, gaps, or openings in walls, windows, and doors. Seal them with caulk or weather stripping.

  • Regularly dispose of trash
    Make sure to empty your trash regularly and use sealed trash cans at home. Encourage your neighbors to respect the guidelines for waste disposal and recycling.

Tackling small pests

Did the little creatures invade your home despite your prevention? Time for quick action! Always address specific pest issues promptly, to create a pest-free living environment in an effective and safe way. Let’s provide you with practical tips on how to tackle these small pest animals.

  • Silverfish or paperfish
    Silverfish and paperfish are quite common in the Netherlands. They are not harmful to your health. Silverfish are attracted to damp and humid areas. Paperfish are on a mission to paper.

    Reduce their habitat by fixing leaks and ensuring proper ventilation in areas like bathrooms and kitchens. You can try to spray lavender scent in the cracks or lay down a toilet block with a small incision in the cellophane to release the odor. Store books and papers in sealable plastic boxes.

  • Ants
    Although ants are not harmful, they can nest in and around your food. Ants are attracted to the smell of sweets such as sugar, fruit juices, and fruits. When they find food, they leave a scent trail, so the other ants also find their way to the food source.

    To prevent ants, clean up spills promptly, seal entry points, and use ant baits or natural remedies like cinnamon, vinegar, or peppermint oils as deterrents. Always check if the material can handle it.

  • Flies and fruit flies
    Fruit flies and flies cause quite a nuisance. They seem to appear out of nowhere and fly around a lot in kitchens or garbage bins. (Fruit) flies look for food and a place to deposit their eggs. They develop very quickly in warm temperatures and enjoy the smell of sour wine, soda, beer, or other fermenting products and rotting fruit.

    The bin turns into a paradise for fruit flies and gives an unsanitary feeling. Dispose of rotting fruits and vegetables and clean drains regularly to prevent fruit fly infestations.

  • Moths
    Moths aren’t harmful to your health, but they can harm your clothes. These little ones are attracted to clothes and fabrics. Specifically, the moth’s larva of the moth chews on different types of textiles.

    Regularly vacuum and clean closets and storage areas to prevent them from attacking your clothes. Let in the sun, as moths don’t like sunlight.

  • Bedbugs
    Bedbugs live in and around the bed. They move from an infested site to a new home by traveling on furniture, bedding, luggage, boxes, and clothing. The bite wounds cause small bumps that can itch for days. If you suspect bedbugs, inform your property manager immediately.

    Wash all your bedding and clothing in hot water (60 or 90 degrees) and vacuum your entire home thoroughly. Vacuum your bed, the seams of the mattress, and the pillows with extra care. When you’re finished, empty the vacuum outdoors.

  • Cockroaches
    Cockroaches crawl around in search of food and heat. They travel through water and power lines and thrive in dirty environments. Maintaining a clean living space is crucial.

    Cockroaches are a risk to your health, as they carry bacteria and diseases. You can try to catch a cockroach by placing a damp mop on the kitchen floor at night. The insect will crawl underneath, ready to be swept up the next morning. Did you have multiple cockroaches in your home? Contact your property manager.

  • Mice
    Time to deep clean! Mice are attracted to food leftovers and prefer warm shelter. On the hunt for food, mice enter your home through small openings (as small as 6 mm!). Seal any holes or cracks in walls and keep food stored securely.

    Always contact your property manager when you suspect mice in your home. Mice multiply quickly and their presence can cause a great deal of damage to your home.

  • Wasps
    If you notice a wasp nest near your home, inform the property management immediately. Don’t attempt to remove it yourself, as wasps can be aggressive and dangerous.

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