Compensation for energy costs collective connection in 2023

The Dutch government announced several measures to compensate for high energy bills. In this blog, we explain how households with a collective connection for heating and electricity (‘blokaansluiting') are compensated.

Energy prices have risen enormously in the past year. The Dutch government announced several measures to compensate for high energy bills. In this blog, we explain how households with a collective connection for heating and electricity (‘blokaansluiting') are compensated.

What is a collective connection?

In some buildings, all studios and apartments are connected to one central connection for heat and/or electricity. The residences don't have a private connection or private meter. Therefore, the energy supplier doesn't know the individual consumption of each household.

Price cap

The Dutch government has set a price cap for gas and electricity in 2023 for small-scale users with a private energy connection. This means that they don't pay more than the maximum price for gas or electricity up to a certain level of consumption.

For households with collective connections, it's not possible to estimate individual consumption and benefit from the price cap. Instead, these households will receive an allowance from the government to compensate for high energy costs.

There are some exceptions. For example, in some buildings, the contract for collective energy has fixed energy rates. If these fixed rates are set below the maximum tariff of the price cap for the entire year 2023 (€1.45 per m3 for gas and €0.40 per kWh for electricity, including energy taxes and 21% VAT), these households don't receive any compensation.

Compensation payments

The government has determined the compensation payments for 2023. The amount of compensation depends on the type of energy and the type of accommodation.

For the first 6 months of 2023, the compensation amounts to:

  • €786.45 (self-contained residence with collective connection for heating)
  • €731.13 (self-contained residence with collective connection for electricity)
  • €329.28 (non-self-contained residence with collective connection for heating)
  • €307.63 (non-self-contained residence with collective connection for electricity)

For the last 6 months of 2023, the amounts of the compensation are:

  • €276.76 (self-contained residence with collective connection for heating)
  • €183.92 (self-contained residence with collective connection for electricity)
  • €116.18 (non-self-contained residence with collective connection for heating)
  • €77.33 (non-self-contained residence with collective connection for electricity)

Application for compensation

In most cases, residents can't apply for the compensation themselves. This needs to be done by the person who has taken out the contract with the energy supplier. This is usually the landlord.

Are you living with Holland2Stay and do you have a collective energy connection? Then we'll apply for the compensation. You don't have to do anything yourself.

Once the application is approved, we'll settle for the compensation in the service costs settlement of 2023 according to a distribution key. We'll take into account the number of days you've rented in 2023. You'll receive the settlement statement in the first half of 2024.

Update application process Holland2Stay:

  • Update July 27, 2023
    We've prepared the application, and we'll submit this application as soon as the government counter opens.

  • Update September 14, 2023
    We've submitted the application. Within 13 weeks, we'll be informed whether the application has been approved or not. The government can extend this period by 13 weeks.

  • Update January 3, 2024
    The government has extended the assessment period to 26 weeks. We expect to get a decisive answer by mid-March.

  • Update March 26, 2024
    The government has approved our application for 23 buildings so far. If your building is one of them, we'll inform you by email. We'll settle for the compensation in the service costs settlement of 2023. You'll receive the settlement in the first half of 2024.


Will you pay the compensation to my account directly?

No, we'll settle for the compensation in the service costs settlement of 2023. You'll receive the settlement statement in the first half of 2024.

I don't live with Holland2Stay for the whole year of 2023. Does this affect the amount of compensation I'll receive?
Yes, while determining your share of compensation, we'll take into account the number of days you've rented in 2023.

Why do I receive the compensation only in 2024?
In your monthly rent, an advance payment for heating and electricity is included. This amount is based on average yearly usage. Every year, you receive an overview of the energy costs compared to your actual usage from the previous year (service costs settlement). In this annual statement, we'll settle for the compensation. You pay for what you have consumed. When you have used less than anticipated, you'll receive the extra paid fees back. When you have used more, you'll have to pay the extra costs as stated in the settlement bill. You'll receive your service costs settlement in the first half of 2024.

I pay a monthly advance of service costs for heating and electricity in the common areas of my building. Does the price cap apply to these costs?
No, the price cap only applies to private consumption. Costs for, for example, lighting in the hallways are not included.

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