Playing traditional Dutch games during King’s Day

Playing traditional Dutch games is a highlight of many flea markets during King's Day. Let’s introduce you to five must-do games to play on King's Day.

As King’s Day approaches, the excitement in the Netherlands is growing. Let’s introduce you to five must-do traditional Dutch games to play on April 27.

King’s Day is marked by eating tompouces, visiting bustling flea markets, and enjoying big festivals. A highlight of many street parties and flea markets is the opportunity to engage in traditional Dutch games. Gather your loved ones, dress up in orange, and get ready to immerse yourself in the festive spirit of King’s Day. Fun guaranteed!

  • Sjoelen
    Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned local, you’re sure to come across the game ‘sjoelen’. Sjoelen is a traditional Dutch tabletop game where players try to slide wooden pucks down a smooth wooden board and into numbered compartments. It requires skill, precision, and a bit of strategy to rack up the highest score.

    Princess Amalia took a shot at sjoelen during the royal family's visit to Emmen in 2024. © RVD

  • Spijkerpoepen
    Spijkerpoepen continues to bring joy and laughter to people of all ages. Translated, it means ‘nail pooping’. And that’s exactly what this game is. Players tie a string around their waist with a nail dangling at the end. The goal? To maneuver the nail and drop it into a bottle without using your hands. It's trickier than it sounds!

  • Stoelendans
    Always a big success: stoelendans – also translated as musical chairs. Put the chairs in a circle and make sure there is one less chair than there are persons participating. Dance and walk around the chairs until the music suddenly stops. Get on a chair as quickly as possible. Anyone without a chair is out of the game. The last person left standing is the winner.

  • Blik gooien
    Aka the old-fashioned version of the popular Swedish game Kubb. Stack some cans on each other and let all players spin around a few times. Count down and see who can knock over the most cans.

  • Koekhappen
    This game has been cherished for generations. It’s a hilarious game in which you need to try to eat a gingerbread from a wire – blindfolded and without using your hands! Cut some slices of gingerbread or use 'oranjekoek' and thread them on a wire. Blindfold the players, let them put their hands behind their backs, and bite! The first one to eat the gingerbread from the wire wins.

    Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander know how to play the game 'koekhappen'. The goal is to eat the gingerbread or cookie from the wire. © RVD

These are just a few examples of the many traditional Dutch games you can enjoy during King's Day. Whether you're hosting a neighborhood party or spending the day with family and friends, incorporating these games into your celebrations is sure to make the day even more memorable.

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